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2014 Group Exhibitions


Openings Fund Raiser

Novella Gallery, NYC

June 6 - June 7

Curators: Keena Gonzalez and Michael Berube


Artists: Aaron Crider, Alan Richards, Amy Hill, Anthony Santella, April Tracey, Ariel Zakarison, Ashley Garrett, Ashley Norwood Cooper, Baris Gokturk,

Brian Cavanaugh, Brian Wood, Cecilia Charlton, Chava Weisberg, Chris Leib, Daniel Nelson, Denise Gieseke Penizzotto, Dennis Santella, Elisa Soliven, Erik Dalzen, Frank Sabatte, Georgia Elrod, Idan Bitton, Iliyan Ivanov, Ingrid Roe, J Grabowski, James Vanderberg, Janna Dyk, jdx, Jess Willa Wheaton, Joachim Marx,

Joel Carreiro, Joey Kilrain, Jon Billing, Joyce Yamada, Julia Whitney Barnes, Karen Dana, Kate Stamps, Katie Rubright, Keena Gonzalez, Kenny Macon,

Laura Frantz, Lauren Gohara, Lauren Slone, Marjan Moghaddam, Mark Attebery, Mark Brennan, Mary DeVincentis, Matthew Garrison, Meg Graham,

Michael Berube, Monica Espitia, Oksana Prokopenko, Peter Fankhauser, Rebecca Simon, Reginald Jean-Felix, Reiner Hansen, Robert Aitchison,

Sandra Mack-Valencia, Sarah Hollars, Seldon Yuan, Summer McCorkle, Tim Rusterholz, Timothy Collins, Timm Mettler, Visakh Menon, Wei Xiaoguang, Werd, William Daniels

#Occupy Common Ground

Church of St. Paul the Apostle

September 11 -  October 23

Curators: Michael Berube and Keena Gonzalez


Artists: Amy Hill, Anthony Santella, Antonio Serna and Hsaio Chen, April Tracey, Ariel Zakarison, Ashley Norwood Cooper, Brian Cavanaugh,

Catalina Viejo Lopez de Roda, Cecilia Charlton, Elinor Aishah Holland and Aysha Venjara, Idan Bitton, jdx, Joey Kilrain, Joyce Yamada, Karen Dana, 

Lauren Slone (with Michael Feld and Empty Nave Projects), Marjan Moghaddam, Mark Attebery, Mary DeVincentis, Matthew Garrison, 

Scott Wayne Indiana, The AArchetypes, Timm Mettler, Wei Xiaoguang


In its eighth annual group show Openings Collective invited artists to reflect on what is often called "the paradox of social media." Intended to create immediate connections across a globalized world, social media also breeds isolation and disillusionment. This could be one of the most ambivalent characteristics of social media: It seemingly satisfies our need to be social without requiring us to leave our immediate comfort zone.

The manner in which digital platforms mediate our relationships with others inevitably reflect in our everyday life. This raises challenging questions. Are we analog persons living in an increasingly digital world? How do we create common ground in this digital age? With an array of mediums and approaches, including dance, collage, sculpture, drawing, video, calligraphy, community engagement and painting, each of the participating artists have found ways to address this theme with fascinating results to create a compelling exhibition that is only strengthened by this unique non-neutral environment.


Amidst the disorientation of virtual worlds there is a need to understand and embracethe continuous changes in the actual world and its digital counterpart. The #occupycommonground artists make us aware that no matter how far technology takes us, it is still intended to be at the service of the human being as it responds to one of our most basic needs: The need of the other.

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