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Openings Artist Summer Residency

July 6-11 and July 13-18, 2025



Summer 2025 Artist Residency at Lake George, NY

July 6-11 and July 13-18

Openings  presents its 14th annual Artist Summer Residency  in two sessions, July 6-11 and July 13-18 at Lake George, NY.  Application is for either session, however artists who are accepted may stay for both sessions. 


The Openings Summer Residency welcomes individuals of all ethnicities, gender expressions, sexual identities, political ideologies, religions and ages.  We recognize the value of a diverse and vibrant creative community and encourage all artists to consider how they may contribute to this vision through their participation in the Openings Residency.  

The residency will take place at St Mary’s of the Lake, the Paulist Fathers summer house  located on beautiful Lake George in upstate New York– accessible by car/bus/train. 
During the residency artists will have ample space and time to work on their own.  Each afternoon artists will gather to discuss their work and other topics for one hour followed by dinner.  
Each artist will be provided with a private room with shared bathrooms and 3 meals daily.    St. Mary’s on the Lake is situated on 72 acres of lakefront property providing opportunities for hiking, swimming and kayaking in a beautiful natural setting.     There is no formal studio space on the property however there are many areas throughout the property where the artist can set up to do work.    There is wireless internet access.  Artists must provide their own materials.  Special dietary needs can be met with advanced notice.
The residency  is open to any serious (not hobbyist) visual artist (18yrs+) working in any medium.  The residency is not a religious (denominational) program however artists who apply must be able to affirm  the vision statement of Openings:
“ Connections between creativity and transcendence foster meaningful conversations that have the potential to unite individuals and promote community.”




Artists may apply by emailing the following:
Name and email address (website if applicable)
CV  (submit as Word doc)
Brief artist statement (150-200 words) stating what they hope to gain from the residency. (submit as Word doc)
Two low res jpegs of recent work.
Email all material to 
General information:
Residency date:  Sunday, July 6 (beginning with dinner at 6pm) to Friday, July 11(ending with lunch at 12:30pm)  5 days, 4 nights.
Second session is Sunday, July 13- Friday, July 18.   
Fee: $100 per day includes: private room, 3 prepared meals a day, shared bathroom.    Total  retreat fee: $500.00 per session with the addition of $100 for Saturday, July 12 if you choose to remain to attend the second session.
Scholarships  are available and should be requested in the application.   


Residents must provide their own transportation to St. Mary's of the Lake including from the Ft. Edward train station and Lake George Village bus stop and Albany airport.   St. Mary's will not pick up passengers from any terminus.  
Applications must be received  by Wednesday, April 30th
Applications will be reviewed no earlier than April 30.  Those accepted will be notified the week of May 5.
  Upon acceptance a registration form will be sent.  The form and a non-refundable deposit of $50 is due within one week of notification of acceptance.   Note that we cannot accept electronic payments.
The residency is strictly  limited to 20 artists per session. Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested.
All residents must be fully vaccinated and boostered for Covid 19.                 

To view photos of past residencies click here. 
Any questions: 

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